Published on Jan 26, 2022
For many of us, aside from home or work, the car is often where we spend the most time. We’ve all got different roads we take on our various journeys but because we spend so much time on the road we are all interested in their quality and safety.
The Marshall Liberal Government is proud to be building what matters, creating local jobs and better lives for South Australians by making our roads safer. This includes many projects on the Fleurieu Peninsula as many of you would have noticed with the amount of roadworks around the place. While roadworks can cause some short term inconvenience, they are a clear sign of the work being done to upgrade our regional roads which were ignored for so long by the former Labor Government.
We are proud to deliver in full an election promise of improved traffic management for Torrens Street and Crozier Road intersection in Victor Harbor which is now working very well. A roundabout was installed, and the traffic light sequencing changed to improve road safety and traffic efficiency reducing the risk of turning crashes. The improvement also benefits pedestrians with new refuges and ramps.
As a committed local MP, I listen when the community make me aware of specific road safety concerns and improvement ideas such as the Goolwa slipway extension, key duplication along the Victor Harbor Road, sheltered right turn lane at Mount Compass, shoulder widening/sealing on Goolwa Road.
I have pushed these projects and the result is a range of works to improve local roads. Good road infrastructure and maintenance on arterial roads for the Fleurieu region unlocks tourism and economic growth outcomes now and into the future. Daily travel is safer for the tens of thousands of users/visitors with extended slipways, added duplication, improved intersections not to mention repairs to roads that have suffered from lack of maintenance by the past government. The projects have not finished with a downward overtaking lane near Cut Hill commencing in February 2022 and Fleurieu connection improvements continuing. All up there are $17.9 billion worth of road and infrastructure upgrades happening thanks to the Marshall Liberal Government.
Road Safety is always important, so as we finish up our holiday season, please remember to drive cautiously according to conditions, even if the road is familiar to you.
- Hon David Basham MP, Member for Finniss.