Published on Jul 02, 2021
The Beacon 19 Boat Ramp in Goolwa will have an improved and safer boat launching point for fishers accessing the Coorong as part of a $1.3 million upgrade.
The $1.3 million upgrade will be funded by the $650,000 grant from the Marshall Liberal Government’s Economic Stimulus Project with the Alexandrina Council matching dollar-for- dollar.
The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Corey Wingard, stated, “It’s great to be delivering much needed projects like the Beacon 19 ramp upgrade for our coastal communities.”
“Recreational fishing is a critical part of our state’s economy and upgrades like this one will hopefully encourage more people to get out on the water which has a significant flow on effect to local business.”
Member for Finniss David Basham said Beacon 19 is a significant boating asset for Goolwa Residents as one of the main access points to the Coorong National Park.
“The $1.3 million Beacon 19 upgrade will provide better and safer boating facilities for the region and will provide a significant boost to our local economy,” Mr Basham said.
“This upgrade will breathe new life into this important boat ramp transforming it into a truly modern piece of infrastructure that makes it safer for the community.”
“It will also create more opportunities for tourism in the Coorong area by attracting more visitors who wish to use the ramp to explore the nearby Coorong, Sugars Beach and Murray Mouth.
“This is another great example of a collaboration between the Marshall Liberal Government and local council with both parties sharing the cost to create a better community.”
Please contact the Finniss Electorate Office for any questions at (08) 8552 2152.